Meet Tepoztlán! A Two Day Trip

Discover a magical faraway place filled with unique stories and a small mystical pyramid that’s sits high above the rainforest of Morelos, Mexico.

Biking Around Tulum, Quintana Roo (Things to do)

Tulum is a small town in Quintano Roo which makes it very easy to get around. One of the best ways to get places in Tulum is with a bike. Here are some places you can visit in Tulum that are very accessible with a bike.

2019 Happy Goals

In a couple of days the year twenty-eighteen will be nothing but a memory & part of the past. I created sort of a digital vision board for you, in hopes that this could encourage you to think about your New Year Goals. Take a peak at mine..

Happiness Comes From Within

In a couple of days the year twenty-eighteen will be nothing but a memory & part of the past. I created sort of a digital vision board for you, in hopes that this could encourage you to think about your New Year Goals. Take a peak at mine..

40 Things Every 20-something Year Old Should Realize

 Entering my twenties last year helped me realize that time stops for no one and life goes on no matter what. Being 20 years old is the beginning of true adulthood & it just goes uphill from there!